Meet the Founder

Bubble: the all-in-one software platform for every entrepreneur

Leah Montebello
Simpatica chats to Emmanuеl Straschnοv, founder and CEO of Bubble, the leading “no-code” software development platform, about how he is building the go-to place for any entrepreneur looking to build a tech startup.

How does Bubble work?

Emmanuеl: Bubble offers a subscription-based online editor and cloud hosting for creating web apps without code; all Bubble apps include a built-in database and blank page(s) that users can configure and design to build any web application they can imagine, from social networks like Twitter or Facebook to marketplaces like Airbnb, apps like Uber, and more.

Why the name Bubble?

Emmanuеl: We wanted something playful, approachable, and that wasn’t just about building apps — “Bubble” is more than an app-building tool, it’s about empowering people and democratizing software creation. We also found the concept of a “tech bubble” (that we would help burst, by letting non-engineers build apps) humorous, which ultimately led us to decide on that name.

Why is no code software so important for growing startups?

Emmanuеl: No-code offers a faster, more affordable way to get validation for your tech product idea. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on an engineer to build a prototype; Bubble offers the ability to design a fully functional app without coding, and scale it beyond version 1. Using Bubble, you can think through your product, build and test it at the same time with live user feedback, and spend more time on discovering product-market fit and making a quality MVP (minimum viable product) that will grow into a full product. We take care of the hosting and the infrastructure as well. No-code tools like Bubble are the go-to for lean startup creators, bootstrappers, and tech-savvy (but not technical) small businesses.

What other tech do you think could revolutionize this space?

Emmanuеl: I’ve seen how cloud infrastructure innovations like AWS have revolutionized the ability to access hosting for web products. I’m interested to see how that space evolves to keep up with the growing demand for no-code and no servers.

Bubble recently closed a $100M round. Tell us about this funding process and what are your plans for development?

Emmanuеl: This round of Series A funding, led by Insight Partners, will let us improve Bubble’s scalability to support newly-formed and scaling startups from MVP to IPO and expand educational initiatives to empower customers to build web platforms affordably. We’re excited to further invest in programs with universities and diversity & inclusion, such as our Immerse pre-accelerator for Black and underrepresented founders of colour which launched in 2020 and whose applications for our third cohort are opening in September 2021.

What startup are you most excited by?

Emmanuеl: I’m excited to see startups built with no-code succeed in their respective industries, including but not limited to: the career platform Teal, the personal financing app Qoins, the French wellness startup, and the music platform Breakr.

What advice would you give to founders starting out?

Emmanuеl: For most ideas, think carefully about what problem you’re solving and whether the way you are solving it is the “right” way. Consider multiple perspectives and try to challenge your own assumptions, including the question: do you need a web app in the first place? Instead of seeking venture capital, would you want to bootstrap your business until you have a strong market fit and product? Do you want to have ownership and control over the product’s functionality? If your answers are yes, then a no-code tool like Bubble is a great solution for you.

Where do you see Bubble in ten years?

Emmanuеl: I’d like to see Bubble become the go-to place for any entrepreneur looking to build a tech startup or person looking to build a web product without additional engineers. If Bubble succeeds in our mission, more people will be able to create technology without spending years learning how to code or requiring investment money to simply get an idea off the ground. Tech-savvy, non-technical people will become their own CTOs and their own product managers.

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